Sunday, February 26, 2012

Play Kitchen Renovation

I looked high and low for a re-painted play kitchen and I only found this one. I was so excited to see that someone had actually acomplished this. My sister is so awesome. For Christmas she gave my little girl all of her kids play kitchen stuff in a "Price Is Right" voice.....
A Brand New New To You Play Kitchen!

I don't have a good before picture, but I found this picture.


The only difference is our kitchen had a maroon counter top, which was the main reason for all this change to begin with. The maroon was bothering me. Call me crazy, and I'm sure if you are interested in reading this you might agree, but I don't know anyone who has a maroon countertop. I don't, so I thought it would be fun to calm down the design of this kitchen and make it look more like Mommy's kitchen.
First I took the whole thing apart. It only had a few screws in it. It came apart in 5 pieces. The two top sides, the "window", the countertop, and the base. Next I tested out the paint on the countertop. I actually had Krylon Fusion spray paint in a cream color already on a shelf in my garage. I was thrilled that I didn't have to go anywhere or buy anything to do this project. In testing I found that I had to sand the surface for it to stick. Once I sanded and wipe down the whole countertop, I sprayed. And I sprayed. And I sprayed. It took quite a few coats. After all was done I finished it off with a coat of heavy duty semi-gloss spray poly. Next I took off all the "decorative" stickers (and even added one that was missing) and added a new backsplash, some left over faux tin tile from a project that never happened. And here is the finished almost done product. I LOVE IT!!!!! I just have to figure out what to do with the "window". I may just add a new window picture or make it into a "chalkboard".

AFTER (sort of)